Brand your Business with Instagram (TIF19)

Συμμετοχή Η περίοδος εγγραφών έχει λήξει.

The seminar is part of the Thessaloniki International Fair (T.I.F.)

Where: Digital Greece Pavilion 12, Stage 2

Preregistration is required. Entry ticket for the fair applies.

Instagram is a Social Media tool that will help you bring out the brand of your business identity. Join us and find out what are the latest trends and tools of Instagram and how can we use them to promote our identity effectively? At the end of this session you will be able to understand what your corporate identity is and why it is important to use it throughout your marketing strategy, including Instagram. 

Duration:1 Hour

By: Foteini Vavitsa  


* The seminars require your physical presence.

* Seminars with the same title have the same content, therefore choose the one that is more convenient for you according to the day and time.

* Upon completion of each seminar you can print your certificates at MyTickets . Certificates will remain available for two (2) weeks.

* You can check for more events in Innov.ation Hub here.

* For more information on Found.ation click here.

* For more information on Tech Talent School click here.


Σάββατο, 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019 11:00 πμ


TIF Helexpo
Εγνατία 154
546 36 Θεσσαλονίκη

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