Leadership Deep Dive - Dubai

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Tuition Description + $15900.00 $ 7.50 Registrations period has ended.

Leadership Deep Dive was developed and is delivered by the faculty of the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University in the US, including some of the most sought-after experts such as Dr. Richard Boyatzis and Dr. David Cooperrider.  

Drs. Boyatzis and Cooperrider’s work on Emotional Intelligence and Appreciative Inquiry has captured the attention of academics and practitioners alike.  Together with their Weatherhead colleagues, they have led significant discoveries and pioneered new practices that have transformed the leadership skills of countless executives.  This faculty team works closely with the Leadership Deep Dive participants in order to leverage their current leadership skills, identify their opportunities for leadership growth, and give them real tools to prepare for the next level of leadership. 

Leadership Deep Dive will take executives on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, while teaching them how to tap into true Emotional Intelligence and become a Resonant Leader. The program has run twice in the US and once in New Zealand, and will now debut in MENA.  Only 50 executives from the region will be able to attend, ensuring that it remains highly exclusive and of great value. 

Please feel free to access www.ccmconsultancy.com/LDD to view the brochure in HTML format. The program is delivered in three, 3-day sessions (for a total of 9) and tuition will include:

  • Nine days of content
  • One year of executive coaching
  • All class materials, books and articles
  • Additional web-based content
  • Program events
  • Breakfasts, lunches and planned dinners.


You can also click on LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE to view the March 2012 issue of Leadership Excellence, where the program and the faculty were featured in great detail.  Leadership Deep Dive has been extremely successful in the US and we expect the same in the Middle East region as executives struggle to find such a unique and life-altering learning experience.



Monday, September 24, 2012 9:00 AM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013