Logistics | a Catalyst to Investments

Member / Μέλος (ILME / GPMA / Geo Routes) Description + €40.00 Registrations period has ended.
Non Member / Μη Μέλος €60.00 Registrations period has ended.

In a constantly and rapidly changing business environment, Logistics constitute an important pillar, ensuring innovation, the development of human resource skills and strengthening the competitiveness of investments.

The 1st International Logistics Forum in Athens is organized by ILME in collaboration with the European Logistics Association (ELA) and Geo Routes Cultural Institute and the support of the Greek People Management Association (GPMA).

Leading speakers from Greece and abroad will develop arguments on key issues of the business world as well as the importance of Logistics in ensuring innovation, in the development of skilled human resources and strengthening the competitiveness of investments.






Speakers & Agenda




Welcome : Registrations - Coffee


Opening Session

Mr Spyros Olympios, ILME President & CEO Geolystics

Mr Giannis Balakakis, President Geo Routes Cultural Institute



Logistics in the European business environment

“Trends and Innovation in Logistics & Supply Chain”

Mr Jos Marinus, President European Logistics Association

“The European Certification in Logistics”
Ms Nicole Geerkens, Executive Officer European Logistics Association



CEO panel: Logistics as a catalyst to investments

Mr Georges Ghonos, CEO Mc Cain Hellas

Mr Giannis Sarantitis, Deputy CEO Sarmed Hellas
Mr Kostas Faltsetas, CEO Adam Pack 



Logistics in the Human Age

Ms Venetia Koussia, CEO Manpower Group


The role of the human resources in achieving the company goals

Mr Sotiris Stamatiou, HR Director, INTL Operations at Hellenic Petroleum
Secretary General, Greek People Management Association (GPMA)



Trends and Best Practices in Logistics & Supply Chain

“Investing in Innovation”
Mr Anestis Partalidis, CEO Trade Logistics S.A.
“Logistics / Supply Chain European Gold Metal, Professional of the year 2015”

"Establishing a living supply chain at AIA”
Mr. Alexios Sioris, Manager Cargo Development, Athens International Airport S.A.

“Omni Channel Retailing”
Mr Kutalmış Damar, Sales Executive SE Europe, SAP Turkey

“Electromobility in Germany”

Mr Ulrich Laumanns, Project Manager, GIZ GmbH



Closing Session
Q & As


  20.45 Networking cocktail
   ps. simultaneous translation English/Greek will be available








Tuesday, October 20, 2015 5:30 PM


Cotsen Hall - Gennadios Library
Anapiron Polemou 9
106 76 Athina

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